I really Love Super Junior but honestly I'm not Heechul bias. But when I read the news about his enlistment, I was shocked and really sad. Super Junior are currently promoting their new album 'Mr Simple' but suddenly Heenim will be leaving. Now it's only a week left.
My ultimate bias Donghae just got injured during KBS Dream Team recording and now Heechul is leaving, I don't think I can write anymore about this, it will make me sad. So I'll just copy paste the news from sup3rjunior.com.
[Talk of the Town] 슈퍼주니어 김희철, 내달 1일 입대
"Because of the 8 metal rods from accident"
Super Junior Kim Heechul’s enlistment is just around the corner and he shares his thoughts with us.
Kim Heechul said through a phone call this morning, “Because I enlist late, I want to go quietly. In fact, I wanted to announce my enlistment through Leeteuk’s radio.”
“But if I choose to depart quietly when the amount of love and support I receive recently has been really great, it just does not seem right. Come to think of it, you heard the news from my agency.”
“It hasn’t been long since Super Junior’s 5th album ‘Mr Simple’ was first released and is currently going so well. At first, I wanted to delay the enlistment, but I think it will be better to do it when it feels right as I already want this. I admit that the process that I took to arrive to this decision was not easy.”
“I will continue to take part in the remaining activities before coming back home to Gangwon-do. I have lots of things to do there.”
He also thanked members and fans who respect his decision.
I am thankful to Super Junior’s members. They told me shyly “we can’t do it without hyung”, it makes me flattered. Once I am gone, I believe Super Junior will do just as fine” he laughed.
“Thank you for your constant support since 6 years ago, but I won’t ask you to wait for me. When it is time for me to resume my activities, please give me your support.” Heechul said in a witty manner.
Meanwhile, Kim Heechul will be admitted to Chungnam Military Camp on September 1st and will be receiving basic military training for 4 weeks before serving as public service personnel for 23 months.
Kim Heechul was involved in a terrible car accident in the summer of 2006 and had to undergo a major surgery in which he had 8 metal rods put in his leg. It is why he will only be serving as public service personnel.
Kim Heechul’s eloquent and unique wit has made him loved by many and acquired a nickname ‘Space Big Star’.
Source:Star News
Translated by:dewspaper for SUPER-LEGACY.COM | D E A for SUPER-LEGACY.COM

Info from: 金希澈吧
Shared by: sillyjune of heechulfacts
Posted by: supergirlRain (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
My ultimate bias Donghae just got injured during KBS Dream Team recording and now Heechul is leaving, I don't think I can write anymore about this, it will make me sad. So I'll just copy paste the news from sup3rjunior.com.
[Talk of the Town] 슈퍼주니어 김희철, 내달 1일 입대
Kim Hee-chul of Super Junior will enlist in the Army on Sept. 1 to fulfill his mandatory military service, his management agency SM Entertainment announced yesterday
Kim is planning to enter the Chungnam Nonsan Army Recruit Training Center and will go through four weeks of basic military training, after which he will serve in noncombat operations for 23 months.
Before enlisting, Kim will film one last episode of MBC’s “Golden Fishery-Radio Star” on Aug. 24. The show is one of the two Kim will have to give up in order to complete his military duty; the other is “Declaration of Freedom on Saturday” on KBS.
SM Entertainment said there are no plans for a grand send off for the star.
“Even though we expect a great deal of attention from Kim’s fans, we don’t plan on having a special event since Kim made it clear that he wants to join the Army without any fanfare,” SM Entertainment said.
Until he enlists, Kim will still be involved in promoting the band, which recently released its fifth album “Mr. Simple” earlier this month. The album includes a new song, “Superman.”
A second version of the album was released yesterday and a third version that includes DVDs will be released in the future.
By Song Yoon-soo Contributing writer at joongangdaily.joins.com
Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by : Melody
Shared at sup3rjunior.wordpress.com by : Melody
"Because of the 8 metal rods from accident"
Super Junior Kim Heechul’s enlistment is just around the corner and he shares his thoughts with us.
Kim Heechul said through a phone call this morning, “Because I enlist late, I want to go quietly. In fact, I wanted to announce my enlistment through Leeteuk’s radio.”
“But if I choose to depart quietly when the amount of love and support I receive recently has been really great, it just does not seem right. Come to think of it, you heard the news from my agency.”
“It hasn’t been long since Super Junior’s 5th album ‘Mr Simple’ was first released and is currently going so well. At first, I wanted to delay the enlistment, but I think it will be better to do it when it feels right as I already want this. I admit that the process that I took to arrive to this decision was not easy.”
“I will continue to take part in the remaining activities before coming back home to Gangwon-do. I have lots of things to do there.”
He also thanked members and fans who respect his decision.
I am thankful to Super Junior’s members. They told me shyly “we can’t do it without hyung”, it makes me flattered. Once I am gone, I believe Super Junior will do just as fine” he laughed.
“Thank you for your constant support since 6 years ago, but I won’t ask you to wait for me. When it is time for me to resume my activities, please give me your support.” Heechul said in a witty manner.
Meanwhile, Kim Heechul will be admitted to Chungnam Military Camp on September 1st and will be receiving basic military training for 4 weeks before serving as public service personnel for 23 months.
Kim Heechul was involved in a terrible car accident in the summer of 2006 and had to undergo a major surgery in which he had 8 metal rods put in his leg. It is why he will only be serving as public service personnel.
Kim Heechul’s eloquent and unique wit has made him loved by many and acquired a nickname ‘Space Big Star’.
Source:Star News
Translated by:dewspaper for SUPER-LEGACY.COM | D E A for SUPER-LEGACY.COM
Regarding what is "Public Service Personnel" which Heenim will be serving as..
Public Service Personnel” is one who could work as deliveryman, selling of tickets…etc. The working place could be at Train stations or anyway. As they are celebrities, they may put on cap and mask when they work. And their working hours are fixed, knocking off at 6pm KST.(Timing wise i am not very clear, as i am not clear about the military systems. Every country differ.) Below is a picture of a Korean male celebrity. This is what he does as a Public Service Personnel.

Info from: 金希澈吧
Shared by: sillyjune of heechulfacts
Posted by: supergirlRain (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)
bila dia ckp september nanti nak enlist..
ReplyDeleteaku rasa mcm lama ja lagi..
padahal minggu depan!!
oh wpum aku tak minat sgt heechul..
tapi mcm tak meriah plak bila ahli suju semakin kurang..
public service personnel kerja mcm tu ek..
aku ingat retis2 banyak keja kat opis..
eh leeteuk bila pulak?
aku sedih..
ReplyDeletedah takde aksi pelik2 atas stage dah pasni..
ak br tao public service depa ni rupanya ade mcm2 bahagian..
leeteuk tahon depan..
mungkin lepas ss4 tamat ataupun dia tak sempat join ss4..
a ah dia suka buat aksi suzy ngendap dari belakang tu..
ReplyDeletecomel kot..
a ah leeteuk pum ngah rakam hello baby tu kan..
takkan ah nk pergi dlm masa terdekat neh
member lain kalau nak buat aksi pelik cam tak kene je..huhu..i will miss u heenim..
ReplyDeleteoh dah tgk preview hello baby..
ak teruja nak tgk..kot2 ade cameo member lain..
tak nak tgk pun 4 member sistar tu, ak nak usha teuk oppa aje..kehkehkeh
lum tgk g..
ReplyDeletebagaimana itu preview?
nampak mcm best kah?
mesti ada punya cameo member lain..
nanti ang leh tgk mcm mana si Hae jaga baby..
ak tak tau nak ckp best ke idak,
ReplyDeletesbb aku tak tgk itu baby,
aku tgk kekabutan teuk oppa aje..hahahahaha..
(ehe, i setiap hari tengok Hae jaga baby ma..wakakakaaka)