Friday, August 12, 2011

SNSD to make a comeback in Korea this September

I mean, Oh Nooooooo!!!NOOOOoooooooOOO!!!!!!
Please SM find another time for their comeback..Jebal!!!!!
Because my Super Junior is currently promoting their 5th Album. No overlapping please..please!!

It is not like I don't like SNSD..Aku suka ape kalau diorang kuar album baru..aku rindu sore Taeyeon..
Tapi..Tapi..memang confirm akan tergugat lah Super Junior camni..tsk..tsk...

Berbalik pada tajuk post, SNSD will be releasing full album, not mini album like "Hoot".

This album would be their first since “Oh!”, their second full album that came out in January 2010 and this will be SNSD’s first return to Korea in 20 months. I bet the new concept and style are totally kept secret by SM Ent. Just like they surprised us last time with 'Hoot'

Besides, rumors been spread around; KARA and Brown Eyed Girls will also make their comeback sometime soon. Exact month hasn't been stated yet.

Hmmm, I'll take this as a good competition. "Persaingan yang sehat" lah kot.

creedit to : Soompi News, Allkpop


  1. ooohhh!!yg sal mv bad girl tuh an?aiman percaya!masing2 adew kehebatan tersendiri..i likes both group....suka gilew...sone + elf!

  2. bagi aku, persaengan antara idol skang semakin senget..
    cepat je lagu lagu baru yg besh besh keluar..
    boleh kata tiap2 hari ada lagu baru..
    semakin susah nak kekalkan kepopularan sesuatu lagu itu..
    dan maken bersepah idol baru muncul..
    mengakibatkan aku rambang mata...

    aku plg menantikan Brown eyed girls...
    housemate aku,ga-in ada tu dlm grup tu..

  3. @aiman:
    u sone + elf yg baik..kehkehkeh..salu kbnykan sone suka bash other artist.mari kt jadi respectable fan, ok..^_^

    btol2..hari hari duk kuar lagu baru..
    astist baru pun semakin naek..
    susah nak kekal popular..kne work hard bebetol..
    aku semakin rmbang mata dgn idol lelaki yg muncul..
    wpun dongsaeng drng tu, tetap wat aku rmbang mata..
    eh ak takleh begini..ak kene setia pada Hae

  4. wpun dongsaeng, kehenseman mereka sudah terserlah maaa...

  5. susah betol bila dah berkenalan dgn grup dongsaeng hensem2 ni..hehehe
