Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kim Hyun Joong in Kuala Lumpur

I know this news is not new, but hey! I nak update jugak..tak kira..hahahaha

Who went to Berjaya Times Square and Pavillion last Monday? Sape pergi? Raise up your hand and feet!! Hahahaha.
Macamana Kim Hyun Joong? Handsome kah dia? Macho-kah? Jambu-kah?

Kepada yang tak tau, meh sini nak cerita...
Kim Hyun Joong was in Kuala Lumpur on 20 Aug 2011-22 Aug 2011 to promote his new mini album "Break Down". Aside doing promotions, he attended another promotional activity as the celebrity who endorses Korean cosmetic brand The Face Shop. And he flew Malaysia Airlines, wohooo~~~

He arrived on 20th Aug morning, then there was a press conference at KL Hilton in the evening.

On 21st Aug, there was a HIGH FIVE session at The Gardens Hotel. Only those who purchase "Break Down" CD’s at the venue and win the draw get the the HIGH-FIVE passes as these passes are only limited to 500 fans.

And on 22nd Aug, he appeared at The Face Shop outlet at Pavillion in the morning and later at Berjaya Times Square. Fans need to purchase TFS products above RM200 on a single receipt with a minimum 1 item from FACE it BB range.   Everything must be on a single receipt with a minimum 1 item from FACE it BB range. At Pavillion, 10 top spenders from The Face Shop won an opportunity to take a solo photo with Kim Hyun Joong. While later at Berjaya Times Square, there was a fan-meeting and an auction session.

Then he leave Malaysia on Aug 23rd.

Lama tu beb dia kat Malaysia, sape gigih stalk and snap beratus gambar handsome celeb nih? Aku tak segigih itu, sesungguhnya aku berpuasa. Hahahaha.

So you can enjoy his pics here and here.

credit to:, soompi,


  1. waaah!! oppa datang malaysia, kenapa dia tak call I?? *cik sengal dah tak dapat beza realiti ngan fantasi* kim hyun joong byk kali gak kan dtg mesia...sebelum ni dah pernah kan?? yg nak promote The Face Shop tu kan? eh, memandai je~

  2. aah,ni kali ke-3 kot dia dtg mesia..syok tgk gmba fan-meeting dpt bergambar n amik sign..ush,jeles..^_^
